
By Posted in - on November 3rd, 2016 0 Comments

Knowing all kinds of financing scources and analysing which one suites best for your project helps to secure the financial base. But also cashflow plan, cost reporting and recoupment plans are essential for a solid …

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Public Funding

By Posted in - on November 3rd, 2016 0 Comments

Soft money financing has become a substantial part of film financing for most independant film projects. But there is a vast number of options and complex regulations.

I guide you through the great number of possibilities …

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By Posted in - on November 3rd, 2016 0 Comments

Everything starts with a good story. But it’s also a matter of the right story at the right time and with the best partners.

Analysing all aspekts of the project from story, target audience and socialcultural …

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